Growing your own fruit, veg and herbs is about as rewarding as gardening can be. Not only is the learning curve incredible, the rewards are just outstanding. Knowing what is on and in your food is no niche as the world turns green and against commercial poisons.

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Thyme Companion Plants – How To Make The Most Of Versatile Thyme

As gardener, you are always looking for ways to improve your garden and increase yields. One of the best ways to increase yields and prevent pest and disease is through companion planting. In short this is the practice of planting certain plants together to improve growth and discourage pests. Thyme is a versatile herb that not only […]

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Lentil Microgreens: How To Grow Natures Nutrition Bombs

Growing Microgreens has become a worldwide trend. Lentil microgreens(micros in general too) have seen an exponential increase in popularity from health enthusiasts for their high nutrient content, ease of cultivation, and delicious taste. They are packed with protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making them an ideal addition to any diet. In this blog post, we

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Growing Tomatoes For Beginners: Advice To Increase Your Success

Tomatoes for beginners is a useful how-to and will go a long way in helping you succeed with this popular, vegetable garden stalwart. When summer approaches, it’s time to plan for your annual tomato crop. Few things can beat sun-ripened, juicy tomatoes, fresh off the vine. Growing tomatoes might seem effortless, but there are several

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Companion Plants For Cauliflower: How To Match-Make For Better Results

Companion planting is a technique used by gardeners to maximize the efficiency of their garden space. This technique involves planting different crops together that will mutually benefit each other, either by repelling pests, attracting beneficial insects, or by sharing nutrients. In this blog, we will outline the basic skeleton of a companion planting guide, for cauliflower.

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Companion Plants for Cantaloupe: Boost Growth and Repel Pests

Cantaloupe (Cucumis melo) is a tasty and nutritious fruit that thrives in warm weather and ample sunlight. The plant is essentially a sprawling vine and requires a rich and well-draining soil, regular watering and fertilization. While cantaloupe is a relatively low-maintenance crop, growing it in a mono-culture can attract pests and diseases that may affect

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Dill Companion Planting: Using This Powerful Friend In The Garden

Are you looking for green and innovative ways to protect your plants from pests, the world is turning away from harsh chemicals? Companion planting is an age-old, gardening technique that can help you create a healthier and more balanced garden. By planting certain crops together, you can attract beneficial and predatory insects that prey on

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Companion Planting with Turnips: How to Improve Root Vegetable Yields

If you’re looking to complement and improve the quality and yield of your root vegetables, companion planting with turnips is an effective way to do so. By planting certain companion plants around your turnips, you can create an environment that assists healthy growth and repels pests. In this guide, we’ll show you how to use

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 Which Is The Best Insecticide for Vegetable Gardens 

Vegetable gardening is a growing and popular hobby. However, pests like aphids, mites, and worms can quickly damage and destroy your precious vegetable crops. To keep your garden healthy and thriving, it’s essential to use an effective insecticide. Choosing the best insecticide for vegetable gardens can be overwhelming, as there are so many options available

 Which Is The Best Insecticide for Vegetable Gardens  Read More »